Text journal for those who could not read the picture:
6/24/1921; 10:32 pm; Day 7- It is too
dangerous to go out right now. I think I'll wait until morning to go
find some resources. The pyramid, it's just horrible. I don't even if
it's worth being out here anymore. But, the riches are just too great to
leave now. I must find the treasure room before I run out of food. I
managed to gather a some dirt. Maybe I can actually grow trees and food
now! I'm down to my last tools, I'll go back to the pyramid in the
6/25/1921; 8:02 am; Day 8- I managed to fight them off. They just came out of the sand. My house didn't seem to survive too well. I don't have a house anymore. This is another thing added to my already big list of problems. Dehydration, starvation, lack of supplies, and now a lack of shelter. I need to get into the pyramid by tomorrow or... I am not sure what will happen to me.
6/26/1921; 12:51 pm; Day 9- I... I can't go on any longer. I will leave this journal, dirt, and whatever is left of my supplies here for anybody who finds this dreadful place after I'm gone. If you are out there reading this, whatever you do, stay away from th---- No! NO! Stay ba--!
6/25/1921; 8:02 am; Day 8- I managed to fight them off. They just came out of the sand. My house didn't seem to survive too well. I don't have a house anymore. This is another thing added to my already big list of problems. Dehydration, starvation, lack of supplies, and now a lack of shelter. I need to get into the pyramid by tomorrow or... I am not sure what will happen to me.
6/26/1921; 12:51 pm; Day 9- I... I can't go on any longer. I will leave this journal, dirt, and whatever is left of my supplies here for anybody who finds this dreadful place after I'm gone. If you are out there reading this, whatever you do, stay away from th---- No! NO! Stay ba--!
Will you continue the adventure and the journal? Behold, the pyramid of Minecraft! Inside are treasures beyond your wildest dreams, and traps and challenges that will put your skills to the test! Are you up for the challenge, or will you end up... DEAD!
It's a trap!
The game is simple. You are an archaeologist who is exploring the desert to the Great Pyramid of Minecraft. But was it worth it? Go in and come out lined with gold, or die, and your stuff will be trapped in the pyramid... forever!
None! (except don't leave the desert or hack in items. Denying these will upset the gods and you will be cursed!)
Estimated completion time: 1-3 hours
Notable things to know:
-You are allowed to break any block, place anything, craft anything, ect...
-This map is difficult for some and easy for others
-This is one of the scariest custom map in Minecraft! You will be jumping out of your chair
-Recommended for people with brains and that know how to use them
-Recommended that you know quite a bit about Minecraft physics
-The ancient minecraftians are excellent trap makers. Even the most trusted things may be trapped!
-The texture pack is 100% optional. It does not effect gameplay, it is only for a more adventurous and realistic feel
At the very end of the pyramid is the tomb room, rumored to have walls lined with gold, and diamond supports!
mysterious shovel and pick of the ancient god Notch are apparently
located in the treasure room. It turns out that his pick and shovel are
made of solid diamond that seems to have magical properties that make it
completely indestructible! No matter how much you mine or dig, they
never break!
Download MCPyramid.rar (Minecraft Beta 1.8)
Help Guide
Due to the difficulty for some people on this map, here is "Beginner's Guide to Desert Tomb Raiding".
1. On your first day, don't go inside the pyramid but instead spend your time gathering sand to build a house.
2. Make your house walls out of sand, and your roof out of sandstone.
3. Don't go inside the pyramid during the day, wait until night when you have nothing else to do.
4. To gather large amounts of sand, don't use shovels but instead dig straight down, and place a torch under the sand around you. Falling sand breaks when they hit torches.
5. Everything is a trap(mostly)
6. Don't wait for your first tree to grow. Use bonemeal!
7. Use your 10 cobblestone to make 1 more stone sword and a furnace. With this furnace you will make charcoal by burning logs with planks.
8. Charcoal is your friend! Use it to stock up on torches.
9. Plant your seeds!
10. If you need more cobblestone, use your water bucket on the lava traps and then get mining!
11. Never bring your water bucket inside the pyramid with you. Only bring it inside if it is to get cobblestone or to disable a trap.
12. If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.
13. Don't get too greedy.
14. "Hidden" doors of sand usually lead to traps.
15. Check the ground, check the wall, and check the ceiling when you enter a room.
16. Don't get too distracted by any side treasures until you reached the end. The tomb room will hold all the treasures you will possibly need.
17. Don't go inside the pyramid without preparing first. The things needed are a sword, some food, and torches.
18. Expect the worst, hope for the best.
19. Don't be an idiot.
20. Enjoy the game!
2. Make your house walls out of sand, and your roof out of sandstone.
3. Don't go inside the pyramid during the day, wait until night when you have nothing else to do.
4. To gather large amounts of sand, don't use shovels but instead dig straight down, and place a torch under the sand around you. Falling sand breaks when they hit torches.
5. Everything is a trap(mostly)
6. Don't wait for your first tree to grow. Use bonemeal!
7. Use your 10 cobblestone to make 1 more stone sword and a furnace. With this furnace you will make charcoal by burning logs with planks.
8. Charcoal is your friend! Use it to stock up on torches.
9. Plant your seeds!
10. If you need more cobblestone, use your water bucket on the lava traps and then get mining!
11. Never bring your water bucket inside the pyramid with you. Only bring it inside if it is to get cobblestone or to disable a trap.
12. If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.
13. Don't get too greedy.
14. "Hidden" doors of sand usually lead to traps.
15. Check the ground, check the wall, and check the ceiling when you enter a room.
16. Don't get too distracted by any side treasures until you reached the end. The tomb room will hold all the treasures you will possibly need.
17. Don't go inside the pyramid without preparing first. The things needed are a sword, some food, and torches.
18. Expect the worst, hope for the best.
19. Don't be an idiot.
20. Enjoy the game!
----The score system----
The more lapis dye(blue dye) you find, the higher your score! Some are hidden well, so keep your eyes open!
Post your scores!
Note: If anybody wants to follow the old system, it is in a post on page 13
Challenges / Achievements
= easy
= normal
= difficult
= Impossible
Expert farmer:
Grow 32 sugar cane
Boom goes the dynamite!:
Create tnt!
Follower of the gods:
Build a shrine of pure gold block to the pharaoh Notch in your house
Pyramid explorer:
Find the tomb room
Pharaoh's best soldier:
Get to the tomb room without dying
Night? No, thanks!:
Make a bed, and sleep through a night without being woken up
About 20% cooler:
Make a house out of gold and diamond blocks
Obey my command!:
Obey the rules of no leaving the desert or hacking in items
My fortress:
Make a lava river surrounding your house
Desert watcher:
Climb to the very top of the pyramid
Green thumb:
Grow 64 cacti
Pyramid builder:
Replace all sand covering the exterior of the pyramid with sandstone
Ride like an Egyptian:
Make a roller coaster that at least goes down one side of the pyramid
Don't use f3 to check where mobs are
False desert?:
Experience rain... in the "desert"?
Like I was never even there!:
Make it through the pyramid without triggering any traps (May need a second play-through to be possible).
Riding unlike royalty:
Ride a pig!
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!:
Complete the game and tell the tales of your adventure in this thread!
The more lapis dye(blue dye) you find, the higher your score! Some are hidden well, so keep your eyes open!
Post your scores!
Note: If anybody wants to follow the old system, it is in a post on page 13
Challenges / Achievements
Expert farmer:
Boom goes the dynamite!:
Follower of the gods:
Pyramid explorer:
Pharaoh's best soldier:
Night? No, thanks!:
About 20% cooler:
Obey my command!:
My fortress:
Desert watcher:
Green thumb:
Pyramid builder:
Ride like an Egyptian:
False desert?:
Like I was never even there!:
Riding unlike royalty:
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!:
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